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My love of horses started when I was only four years old. I had my first 'sit' on a pony at a local riding school, and from that day my family couldn't keep me away. From the age of twelve I helped out at a riding school, and I guess it was then my riding career commenced, as on a good day I would be allowed to ride the horses back to the field!

Since then I have held a number of roles which have given me an extensive experience with horses. These have included working at a jumping yard where I was responsible for schooling the horses and competing a youngster. I was lucky enough to compete and qualify at both British Novice and Newcomers.

I gained further experience in training horses after being head hunted to work for a company which specialised in preparing horses for appearances at high profile public events for security and control purposes.

Moving on I combined work at a point-to-point yard with assisting at a local veterinary practice, assisting regularly with lameness work-ups and all aspects of equine veterinary care.  This led me into a role as an event groom at a competition yard, bringing on young horses for sale and also eventing competitively myself. Whilst working here I re-trained an ex-racer to eventing.

From 2005 to 2019 I was based in North Hertfordshire running a large livery yard, alongside my freelancing and competing activities. I enjoyed the opportunity to closely support and mentor two apprentices during this time, providing hands-on experience and learning while also helping towards their equine qualifications.


From 2011 I became interested in biomechanics, as a means to better my riding and horse performance. I qualified as a Ride with Your Mind (RWYM) coach in 2019, and since 2016 have assisted Mary Wanless with delivery of her RWYM demos around the country, using my horses to demonstrate activities from 'in-hand' to 'advanced' ridden work. 


I am now based in Worcestershire from where I provide freelance instruction, run clinics and give demo's around the UK. Having successfully reached Grand Prix in Dressage with my traditional cob, I continue to compete, now bringing a second cob through the levels. l am very excited with his potential, and hope he emulates the achievements of his big brother.  

In addition I have a beautiful warmblood who I am currently backing.


The clients and horses I work with are of all ages, disciplines and abilities. My extensive background has equipped me with a solid foundation of skills and experience, enabling me to work successfully with many different types of horses, riders and riding disciplines.

Finally, I ride and train my own horses and those of my clients, for whom I compete to Inter 1.

Teaching horses and riders at all levels is my passion, my greatest reward comes from seeing their progression.

VIVALDI IX -Boo Competing Inter 1

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